Sub antmenu()
'This is the code for the menu. It loops until a valid command is entered, in which case it runs that program then returns to the menu.
Dim mode, menucounter As String
menucounter = 0
Do While menucounter = 0
mode = InputBox("Which program would you like to run?")
Select Case mode
Case Is = "demo"
Case Is = "advanced"
Case Is = "clear"
Case Is = "exit"
menucounter = 1
Case Else
MsgBox ("Invalid option")
End Select
End Sub
Sub demo()
Dim xa, xb, ya, yb, directiona, directionb, coloura, colourb, turn, offsetx, offsety As Long
xa = 8192
ya = 524288
turn = 1
offsetx = 100
offsety = 100
directiona = 4
directionb = 2
xb = xa + offsetx
yb = ya + offsety
Do Until turn = 50000
coloura = Cells(ya, xa).Interior.ColorIndex
If coloura = -4142 Then
directiona = directiona + 1
Cells(ya, xa).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
ElseIf coloura = 1 Or 29 Or 5 Or 3 Or 12 Then
directiona = directiona - 1
Cells(ya, xa).Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
End If
If directiona = 0 Then directiona = 4
If directiona = 5 Then directiona = 1
Select Case directiona
Case Is = 1
ya = ya - 1
Case Is = 2
xa = xa + 1
Case Is = 3
ya = ya + 1
Case Is = 4
xa = xa - 1
End Select
colourb = Cells(yb, xb).Interior.ColorIndex
If colourb = -4142 Then
directionb = directionb + 1
Cells(yb, xb).Interior.ColorIndex = 12
ElseIf colourb = 1 Or 29 Or 5 Or 3 Or 12 Then
directionb = directionb - 1
Cells(yb, xb).Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
End If
If directionb = 0 Then directionb = 4
If directionb = 5 Then directionb = 1
Select Case directionb
Case Is = 1
yb = yb - 1
Case Is = 2
xb = xb + 1
Case Is = 3
yb = yb + 1
Case Is = 4
xb = xb - 1
End Select
turn = turn + 1
End Sub
Sub clear()
Range("A1:XFD1048576").Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
Range("A1:XFD1048576") = ""
End Sub
Sub advanced()
'Asks the user the number of ants they want.
Dim n As Integer
n = 55
Do Until n < 55
n = InputBox("How many ants would you like?")
n = n - 1
'Creates the arrays, x and y are the coordinates and currentcolour the colour of the cell the ant is in. Colour is the colour and direction is the direction of the ant, and turn is fairly obvious.
Dim x() As Long, y() As Long, direction() As Long, currentcolour() As Long, colour() As Long, turn As Long
ReDim x(0 To n) As Long
ReDim y(0 To n) As Long
ReDim direction(0 To n) As Long
ReDim currentcolour(0 To n) As Long
ReDim colour(0 To n) As Long
'Sets up the intial positions of the ants, randomly placing them around a 200 cell square.
x(0) = 8192
y(0) = 524288
direction(0) = 1
colour(0) = 3
turn = 1
Dim counterinitialpositions As Integer
counterinitialpositions = 1
Do Until counterinitialpositions = n + 1
x(counterinitialpositions) = x(0) + Int((201) * Rnd - 100)
y(counterinitialpositions) = y(0) + Int((201) * Rnd - 100)
direction(counterinitialpositions) = Int((4 - 1) * Rnd - 1)
colour(counterinitialpositions) = 3 + counterinitialpositions
counterinitialpositions = counterinitialpositions + 1
Dim counterruntime As Integer
Do Until turn = 50000
counterruntime = 0
Do Until counterruntime = n + 1
'Changes the colour of the cell and direction of the ant.
currentcolour(counterruntime) = Cells(y(counterruntime), x(counterruntime)).Interior.ColorIndex
If currentcolour(counterruntime) = -4142 Then
direction(counterruntime) = direction(counterruntime) + 1
Cells(y(counterruntime), x(counterruntime)).Interior.ColorIndex = colour(counterruntime)
direction(counterruntime) = direction(counterruntime) - 1
Cells(y(counterruntime), x(counterruntime)).Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
End If
'Keeps the direction modulus 4.
If direction(counterruntime) = 0 Then direction(counterruntime) = 4
If direction(counterruntime) = 5 Then direction(counterruntime) = 1
'Moves the ant.
Select Case direction(counterruntime)
Case Is = 1
y(counterruntime) = y(counterruntime) - 1
Case Is = 2
x(counterruntime) = x(counterruntime) + 1
Case Is = 3
y(counterruntime) = y(counterruntime) + 1
Case Is = 4
x(counterruntime) = x(counterruntime) - 1
End Select
counterruntime = counterruntime + 1
turn = turn + 1
End Sub
The code is in green and the comments are in red (comments are just notes that describe what the following section of code does). I decided not to waste time making the demo readable, if you read through the advanced code you should be able to see fairly easily what the demo is up to.
If you want to try this code out for yourself then you will need to do the following:
- Open up Excel (hopefully you are using 2007/10, if not then just comment and I will give you help), go to the 'view' tab and click on 'macro' on the far right.
- Click 'create' in the small window that opens, then copy and paste the code into the new window.
- Close both new windows, then Ctrl+E will bring up the menu.
- The four commands are
- "basic" - Runs two Langton's Ants in the same starting pattern as in my first post.
- "advanced" - Runs n ants, randomly distributing them around a 200 cell square.
- "clear" - Returns every cell to its default white.
- "exit" - Closes the menu.
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