Using Langton's Ants on Excel! Hmm, maybe it won't catch on. |
Ah hem. You can expect the next few blog's to completely consist of 8-bit images I have stolen from the internet and coloured in using ants. And in case you have just joined the blog I am not pulverising a colony of ants from my back garden then using the resulting paste to defile a children's colouring-in book. They are digital ants. Which makes it okay. I think, I am yet to check this with the RSPCA. And so on to the images:
Do you get +1/2 life if you eat the first one? |
It was when I was making the mushroom that I realised it would be much easier if I could use the same mechanism to colour in the edges as I do for selecting the colour of ants and adding the highlights. I also added the ability to make 'white' ants, which I needed for the face of the mushroom.
Pretty freakin' awesome |
I got the pattern for this one off a blog. This is the coolest thing yet to come out of this project by a rather embarrassing amount. I have noticed a trend in my blog posts in that I very nearly never come back and do anything that I have put in a list. It is very probable that this list will suffer the same fate. This is a list of things I want to 8-bitanterize:
- A world map. Mercator's projection naturally, although I could be persuaded to go Gnomonic.
- Harry Potter.
- A famous painting.
- A random picture off of Facebook.
Those are in order of do-able but time consuming to impossible but I'll bloody well kill myself trying.
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